1. Set a manual approval rule for over-limit expenses
  2. Set an over-limit approver for a member

Require review for over limit expenses

Expensify Classic

You can set rules that require a manual review for expenses that exceed a specific amount. These rules can be set for all expenses under a workspace and/or for a specific member of your workspace.

These rules do not prohibit purchases over this limit amount. They only ensure that expenses over the limit require a manual review.

Set a manual approval rule for over-limit expenses

To set approval limits for expenses submitted to a workspace,

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
  2. Click the desired workspace name.
  3. Click the Members tab on the left.
  4. Scroll down to the Approval Mode section to where it says Expense Approvals.
  5. In the “Manually approve all expenses over:” field, enter the expense limit amount.

Any expenses that exceed the set limit will now require a manual review, even if the approval workflow does not require manual approval.

Set an over-limit approver for a member

When over-limit approvals are set for a specific member, a secondary approver will be required when the member submits a report that contains expenses exceeding the limit amount. If the member is an approver for other members’ reports, the approval limit applies to those reports as well.

For example, if you want to allow a project manager to review expenses under $500 but have a department head review expenses over $500, you can assign the department head as the project manager’s over-limit approver.

To set expense limits for specific workspace members, your workspace must use Advanced Approvals as the report approval workflow.

To set an over-limit approver for a specific member of your workspace,

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
  2. Click the desired workspace name.
  3. Click the Members tab on the left.
  4. Click Settings next to the desired member.
  5. In the “If report total is over” field, enter the amount that will require this member’s reports to need a secondary review. This limit also applies to reports that the member is in charge of reviewing.
  6. Click the “Then approves to” dropdown and select the secondary approver.
  7. Click Save.

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